Thursday, November 12, 2009


The Czech people were already starting to immigrate to Chicago in 1850. the early Czech immigrants were also known as bohemians. in the next 50 years imagination of Czechs increased and the total population in Chicago was 110,000 by 1910! The Czech people bought alot of property because, they came to stay. They soon took over an area called "Czech California" and owned 80% of buildings in this area. In order to do this the Czech people would penny pinch a lot. Once they earned enough for a house, they would save even more to add onto this house. Once they had an add on, they would rent it out for more money.

They built many buildings for themselves. Like a three story building including a gym and a social halls. Two catholic schools, Pilsen Park, a brewery, and two public schools were also built. They had a tight knit communicate but still socialized outside of their own groups. Even so much that a Czech man was elceted mayor in 1930.

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